Are You A Mature, Emotionally Healthy Adult?

Hint…Not As Many Of Us Are As We Think.

Brooke Meredith
9 min readSep 6, 2019
image by Barrett Ward from

We tend to assume that once someone physically looks the part of an adult, that is it. They are a grown-up.

Not quite. Consider the adults you know personally (there might be just one or two, or potentially even more) who are emotionally chaotic, who have significant character flaws that impact their life and relationships (not the minor and usual ones we all have. Instead, I am talking about traits and behaviors that majorly impact one’s life negatively), those “adults” who just cannot seem to get their lives together, and those who experience frequently turbulent relationships.

We all know people like this, and usually, they are “adults.” Meaning, they look like adults on the outside. However, in the article following, you will learn that in actuality, they are still children emotionally.

These are people who have failed to grow up. Who, while they may embody the physical appearance and age of an adult, are not adults in their minds and emotions. And it shows in the lives they lead.

I will describe several traits of “adults” who are actually children in a grown-up’s body.

What's helpful about this article is that:

