Brooke Meredith
1 min readJul 19, 2019


Hi NSpark, thank you so much for reading, and for taking the time to respond.

I believe there are two main tiers to this issue. One is our culture. Role-playing, while on a small scale, may help her a bit in offering tools (such as things to say and do when certain situations arise). However, it will not do much of anything to change the greater landscape of this problem, I feel sad to say.

Instead, I think speaking out, and not quietly, is a way of evoking change. That we are not ok with the current cultural status quo with how women are regarded, spoken of, and treated. And that we will not sit by silent and watch.

The more people who speak out, the more powerful that opposing voice becomes.

And second, I believe that teaching your daughter to be a strong, confident, outspoken, and brave woman is another crucial component. She can learn as she grows up to be the type of woman I describe in the article. The type who isn't silent, who calls these men out, and who makes a scene.

Until a scene is making and a stink is made, and by a lot of people, change will remain a long, long way off.

I would highly recommend you give a read to the book I recommended at the bottom of the article!

