Love and Deceit: Can They Co-Exist?

To answer this question, we need to ask a few more first…

Brooke Meredith
5 min readMar 27, 2023
image by Jametlene Reskp from

So, can love and dishonesty co-exist?

In some ways, absolutely.

For instance, in the case of holding back not saying certain things…

Let’s say you might be having a moment where you’re finding a loved one particularly annoying and tough to be around. This does not necessarily need to be voiced, because part of loving someone means dealing with them in both their awesome moments as well as their difficult ones, and since we all have bad moments, it can be a pointless thing, and even a cruel one, to always point out whenever your loved one is not an utter delight to be around.

Of course, on the flip side, there might be moments that, yes, it is of importance and benefit to tell someone you love when they’re acting in a not-so-great way. This is a reality too. It depends on the specific situation.

Asking yourself some questions about it will help with figuring that out, such as:

Will telling them this potentially aid them in relevant personal growth?

Will it help them with solving a problem?

