The Sense of Entitlement and Fear In America’s Cancel Culture

Who are we as individuals to decide who is allowed a voice and who isn’t?

Brooke Meredith
12 min readJul 19, 2021
Image by Johannes Krupins from

Why have we come to decide that anything which offends or upsets us must suddenly be turned away from, blocked, or even erased altogether?

If this were to happen, our seemingly wildest wishes of shutting out and canceling anything that upsets us, what kind of society and world might this create?

Cancel culture is grasping for what we believe is “safety”, as we are sacrificing resilience, wisdom, and the opportunity to learn.

In Vermont at Middlebury College, Charles Murray, a libertarian scholar, was invited by a student group to speak about his 2012 book, Coming Apart. His book discusses the timely, crucial topic of the social and economic dysfunction of the white working class, which (according to many commentators) resulted in voters from that group responding more enthusiastically to the anti-immigrant and protectionist messages of Donald Trump.

Charles Murry also published a previous book in 1994 called The Bell Curve. In it, he and his coauthor, Richard Herrnstein proposed that differences in IQ scores found across racial…

